What’s new about BS 9251:2021?
What’s new about BS 9251:2021?
The advent of BS EN 16925 has meant BSI was obliged to review BS 9251. Therefore BS 9251:2021 covers recommendations for domestic and residential sprinkler systems, so that it aligns with and does not conflict with BS EN 16925.
Many changes are simply clarifying what was already meant under the BS 9251:2014. Several areas now provide improved and technical guidance / reference / educational material for clarity and quality of information to help improve the BS.
BS 9251:2021 can be used for buildings of any height (including those less than 18m / 4 stories).
Introduced from 30 June 2021 this is a full revision of BS 9251:2014 with the following principal changes:
- Introduction of building categorization based on occupancy risk
- Change of building height limit
- Variation in sprinkler head design density
- Increase in sprinkler head spacing
- Expanded guidance on preliminary work and consultation
- Expanded guidance on water supplies
- Additional measures for vulnerable people and multi-occupancy premises
BS9251:2021 supersedes BS 9251:2014, which is now withdrawn.
You can buy BS9251:2021 from the BSI Shop. For more information on BS9251 or to request more technical information for specification of your sprinkler system please send us an email at enquiries@sprinklersdirect.co.uk or to speak with one of our designers please call 0800 689 5129.
Sprinklers Direct offer design only services and consultancy for residential fire sprinkler systems throughout the UK from offices in East Sussex, Greater Manchester and Cheshire. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.